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Definition of break in Hausa


verb /breɪk/
1. Karya, fasa, gutsura
2. Karya doka
3. Kawo ƙarken lamari
4. Zuwa hutun rabin lokaci

noun /breɪk /
5. Lahani
6. break a/the record: idan mutum ya kasance shi ne wanda ya fara yin abu da kyau fiye da saura
7. Karkasa, rarraba
8. Zuwa guri da ƙarfi ko yin abu da ƙarfi
9. Make a break: dakatar da yin mu'amala da mutum ko kuma sauya yanayin yadda kake yin wani abun daka jima kana aikatawa

Example of break in a sentence

  1. Karya, gutsura, fashe
  2. The bottle dropped out of my hand and broke into pieces. kwalbar ta faɗi daga hannuna sannan ta farfashe rugu rugu.

    I once broke my arm when i fell off a ladder. na taɓa karya hannu na lokacin dana faɗo daga tsani.

    He broke the sugarcane  in two. ya gutsura raken zuwa biyu.

  3. Karya doka
  4. The protesters are breaking the law. masu zanga zangar suna karya doka.

    She broke the promise. ta saɓa alƙawari.

  5. Kawo ƙarken lamari
  6. They're discussing in the room but calling for prayer broke their discussion. suna tattaunawa ne a cikin ɗaki amma kiran sallah da aka yi shi ya kawo ƙarken tattaunawar su.

    Everybody thought he's unconscious but he opened his eyes and that broke the tension. kowa ya ɗauka cewa ya suma ne, amma sai aka ga ya buɗe idanuwan shi kuma wannan shi ne ya kawo ƙarken tashin hankalin da mutane suka shiga.

    Police were stationed all over Kaduna to prevent residents from breaking the lockdown. an sanya 'yan sanda a ko ina cikin jihar Kaduna domin hana mutane kawo ƙarken dokar hana fitar.

  7. Zuwa hutu
  8. We go break at 2:00 a.m. muna zuwa hutu da ƙarfe biyu na rana.

    There's a break in the computer. kwanfutar ta samu lahani.

  9. Karkasa, rarraba
  10. Food break down in the stomach. abinci yana narkewa a ciki.

    Whenever i collect my salary, i break my expenses down into food, rent and children school fees. a duk lokacin dana amshi albashi na ina kasafta kuɗin da zan siya abinci, biyan kuɗin haya da kuma biyan kuɗin makarantan yara.

    DVS culture being added to yoghurt to help body break down lactose found in the milk. ana sanya DVS culture ne a cikin yoghurt domin taimakawa jiki narkar da sukarin lactose dake cikin madara.

    Methods of learning English are broken down into four main areas: reading, writing, listening and speaking. an karkasa hanyoyin koyon Turanci zuwa kashi huɗu ne kamar haka: karantawa, rubutu, sauraro da yin magana.

  11. Zuwa guri da ƙarfi ko yin abu da ƙarfi
  12. Hoodlums are trying to break the door down. 'yan daban suna ƙoƙarin ɓalle ƙofar.

    The boat broke loose. kwale-kwalen ya kwance.

    The so-called peaceful protesters broke the store and stole the diamonds. waɗanda ake cewa wai masu zanga zangar lumana sun kutsa shagon sannan suka sace lu'u lu'u.

    The man broke the police grip and ran away. mutumin ya kucce damƙan da ɗan sanda yayi mashi sannan ya gudu.

  13. Dakatar da mu'amala da mutum ko abun daka jima kana aikatawa
  14. It's ok to make a break if all your attempts failed. yana da kau ka saduda idan duk gwaje gwajen daka yi bai yi nasara ba.

Probably Related words: daybreak, break fast, breaking, Breakfast, breakage, breakdown, breakup, breakthrough, outbreak, heartbreaking

Nearest words:
breakup, breakage, breaking, break out, breakdown, Breakfast, break down, break fast, breakthrough, break into something,

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