Definition of brave in Hausa
brave |
adjective & verb /breɪv/ 1. Mai jarunta 2. Yin jarunta |
Example of brave in a sentence I wasn't brave enough to tell her what i thought of her. bani da jaruntar da zan iya gaya mata abun dana koya daga gareta.We need a brave security personnel. muna buƙatar jarumin jami'in tsaro. Quitting his job amidst this recession is a brave decision indeed. ajiye aiki da yayi a wannan lokacin na matsin tattalin arziki ba ƙaramin ƙarfin hali bane. Iranians are very brave to survived sanctions for years. Iraniyawa jarumai ne da suka iya jurewa takunkumi na tsawon shekaru. Only one senator was brave enough to opposed the President action. sanata guda ɗaya ne kawai yayi ƙarfin halin yin adawa da matakin shugaban ƙasar. This lady made a brave attempt to ask him out. wannan matar tayi jaruntar cewa tana son shi. He braved the social pressure by staying single for life. ya jurewa surutun mutane ta hanyar tsayawa ba tare da aure ba har ƙarken rayuwar shi. |
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