Definition of blind in Hausa
blind |
adjective /blaɪnd/ 1. Makanta noun /blaɪnd/ 2. Makaho verb /blaɪnd/ 3. Makance, makantar 4. be blind to sth: rashin ankarewa |
Example of blind in a sentence
It was recently that i realized the man is going blind. bada jimawa bane na fahimci cewa mutumin ya fara makancewa. You're likely to be blind to your lover's faults. akwai yuwuwar baza kayi la'akari da matsalolin da masoyinka yake dasu ba. Always be rational and don't let racism blind you to the facts that he's innocent. a koda yaushe ka kasance kana yin amfani da hankali gurin yanke hukunci kuma kada ka bari ƙabilanci yasa ka gaza fahimtar cewa mutumin bai aikata laifi ba. Was she blinded in an accident? shin hatsari ne yayi sanadin makancewar ta? Punch on his eyes blinded him for seconds? naushin da aka yi mashi a ido ya sanya shi ya ɗauki daƙiƙoƙi baya gani. Government aids for the blind. tallafin da gwamnati ke baiwa makafi. Two of my relatives are blind. biyu daga cikin dangina makafi ne. The father of the child bought her a recorded books for the blind. mahaifin yarinyar ya saya mata littafin da aka naɗa domin makafi. |
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