Definition of better in Hausa
better |
adjective, adverb, noun & verb /ˈbetər/ mafi inganci, inganta, inganci |
Example of better in a sentence My body is getting better and better. jikina yana ingantuwa.Is better to buy this house than keeping your money idle. zai fi dacewa ka sayi wannan gidan daka ajiye kuɗaɗenka kara zube. Talking to your friends about your problems will be better. gayawa abokanka matsalolinka zai fi dacewa. You can't get a better view except if you go upstairs. baza ka riƙa gani da kyau ba har sai idan ka hau saman bene. Peace and unity between Israel and Palestine have never been better. zaman lafiya tsakanin Falasɗinawa da Isra'ila bai ingantu ba. Working online is better for shy people. yin aiki ta duniyar gizo ya fi dacewa da mutane masu kunya. The more time you take learning something, the better your cognition. idan ka daɗe kana koyon abu fahimtar ka zata ƙara inganta. Chinese did much better in containing coronavirus than any other country. Sinawa sun fi kowacce ƙasa yin ƙoƙari gurin shawo kan cutar nunfashi. She loves her children much better than they love her. soyayyar da take nunawa 'ya'yanta yafi wanda suke nuna mata. They know how to protect themselves better than we do. sun fi mu sanin yadda zasu kare kansu. Women are better looking than men. mata sun fi maza kyau. Shamsuddeen is much better known as Shamsu than his actual name. an fi sanin Shamsuddeen da Shamsu fiye da asalin sunan shi. You should better go direct to the manager before he left office. zai fi dacewa ka tafi kai tsaye zuwa gurin manajan kafin ya bar ofishin. She'd better focus on her study instead of watching excessive movies. zai fi dacewa ta mayar da hankali akan karatunta a maimakon yawan kalle kallen finafinai. Threat elders with respect no matter what they told you, they deserve better. ka riƙa girmama manya koda kuwa wacce irin magana ce suka faɗa maka, ai sun cancanci girmamawa. Citizens elected the President to better their lives. 'yan ƙasa sun zaɓi shugaban ne domin ya inganta rayuwar su. You can better your communication skill by learning to talk to strangers. zaka iya inganta ilimin mu'amala ta hanyar koyon yin magana da baƙi. |
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