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Definition of around in Hausa


adverb /əˈraʊnd/
1. A kewaye da
2. A wani guri, muhalli ko a wani yanayi
3. Da misalin, kimanin

Example of around in a sentence

  1. A kewaye da
  2. All the family sat around the table for dinner. dukkan iyalan sun zauna a kewayen teburin domin cin abinci.

    I saw a necklace around her neck. na ga abun wuya a wuyarta.

    Many people gathered around watching the performers. mutane da dama sun tattaru kewaye da masu gudanarwar suna kallo.

    Children are running around the school. yara suna gudu a kewayen makarantar.

    I spent my holiday travelling around the world. na ƙarar da lokutan hutuna ta hanyar yin tafiye-tafiye ƙasashe daban-daban.

    People around the world visit mecca for pilgrimage. mutane a sassa daban-daban na duniya suna ziyartar makka domin yin aikin hajji.

    Covid 19 circulating around the country undetected. cutar nunfashi tana ta yaɗuwa a ƙasar ba tare da an sani ba.

  3. Kasancewa a guri ko muhalli ko a wani yanayi
  4. She just let her child playing around. ta bar ɗanta yana wasa a kusa.

    We meet them talking around. mun same su suna yin magana a gurin.

    The child wouldn't stay around if his mother is absent. yaron ba zai tsaya ba idan uwarshi ba ta nan.

    You may hardly see her around here. zai yi wahala ka ganta ta a nan.

    She isn't around when I went there. ba ta gurin lokacin da na je.

    I'm going to visit my grandfather tomorrow, is he around? zan ziyarci kakana gobe, shin yana nan?

    His parents weren't around when he collapsed. iyayenshi ba sa nan sa'ilin da ya faɗi.

    Coronavirus has been around since December 2019. akwai cutar nunfashi nun watan Disembar shekara ta 2019.

  5. Kimanin, misalin
  6. We normally receive our salary around 28th. muna samun albashi ne a guraren ashirin da takwas ga wata.

    The man built around ten houses in Zaria. mutumin ya gina kimanin gidaje goma a Zaria.

    Indomie noodles usually takes around 7 minutes to prepare, provided there's boiling water. taliyar indomie galibi tana ɗaukan minti bakwai ne ta dafu, muddin akwai ruwa mai tafasa.

    I saw her peeping through window around the time of her father's departure. na ganta tana leƙe ta taga a daidai lokacin da babanta yake fita.

    The price of Android phone is around one fifty thousand Naira. farashin wayar android kimanin Naira dubu ɗari da hamsin ne.

    The length is around five centimeters. tsawon ya kai kimanin centimetre biyar.

    He died around six weeks ago. ya mutu kimanin makwanni shida da suka gabata.

    I saw her around six o'clock. na ganta da misalin ƙarfe shida.

Probably Related words: kick around, knock around, lie around, get your mind around something, get your head around something, wrap your mind around something, push somebody around, stick around, workaround, get around

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