Definition of anxious in Hausa
anxious |
adjective /ˈæŋkʃəs/ 1. Shiga cikin fargaba 2. Ƙosawa ka yi wani abu |
Example of anxious in a sentence
Body trembling and stuttering indicated he was anxious. rawan jiki da in'ina na nuna cewa yana jin tsoro. She's very anxious to confront him. tana jin tsoron fuskantar shi. Isn't common to feel anxious when going out. ba abu ba ne da aka saba gani mutum ya ji tsoron fita waje. He became more anxious when he approach thirty. duk ya bi ya shiga cikin zullumi lokacin da ya kusa kai shekara talatin. She's anxious to graduate from university and get job. duk ta ƙosa ta kammala karatun jami'a ta fara aiki. I'm anxious to reach home before my father's departure. duk na ƙosa na koma gida kafin babana ya bar gida. |
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