Definition of anxiety in Hausa
anxiety |
noun /æŋˈzaɪəti/ zullumi (yawan fargaba a kan abun da zai faru nan gaba) |
Example of anxiety in a sentence Anxiety helps us get out of harm’s way and prepare for important events, and it warns us when we need to take action. fargaba yana taimaka mana fita daga yanayin da zai iya yi mana lahani, da kuma samu mu shirya wa lamurra masu muhimmanci, da kuma yi mana gargaɗi idan muna son mu ɗauki mataki.Some people feel a lot of anxiety when they started a new job. wasu mutane suna fama da yawan fargaba idan suka fara wani sabon aiki. The way his body trembling shows his anxiety over meeting the manager. yanayin yadda jikinshi yake kyarma yana nuna yadda yake tsoron ganawa da manajan. |
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