Definition of allright in Hausa
allright |
adverb /ˌɔːl ˈraɪt/ to shikenan, babu komai |
Example of allright in a sentence Everything is all right. komai yana aiki daidai."Would you let me go?" "all right. you can go." "ko za ka barni na tafi?" "ba matsala. za ka iya tafiya". Her mode of dressing was all right, although she refused to wear hijab. yanayin sanya suturar ta ya yi daidai, duk da cewa ta ƙi sanya hijabi. Southern parts of the country suffer from starvation, but the northern is all right. kudancin ƙasar yana fama da yunwa, amma arewacin ƙasar lafiya yake. Will you treat the infection, or do you think your body is all right now? shin za ka sha maganin cutar ko kuwa kana ganin jikinka ya yi sauƙi yanzu? It's all right to sleep after subhi prayer, but don't let it become a routine. yana da kyau ka riƙa yin bacci bayan sallar asuba, amma kar ka bari yin hakan ya zame maka jiki. Isn't all right to ignore someone you know on the street. bai dace ka gamu da wanda ka sani a hanya sannan ka kau da kai ba. It's all right for people to stay indoor for hours? shin ya dace mutum ya ɗauki awanni a cikin ɗaki? She's all right now after suffered from depression. yanzu ta murmure bayan ta yi fama da baƙin ciki. Does she born all right? shin ta haihu lafiya? Do you think Habibu will be all right without a spouse? shin kana ganin Habibu zai kasance cikin walwala ba tare da mata ba? All right, I'll make sure I follow the guidelines. kar ka damu zan tabbatar da cewa na bi hanyoyin da aka tsara. "Thank you for the help." "It's all right" "na gode da taimakon da ka yi min", "babu komai". "I hope i don't bother you?" "No, that's all right. I enjoy you company indeed". "ina fatan dai bana damunka?" "a'a, babu komai, Ina jin daɗin zamanka". | is an online/offline English to Hausa And Hausa to English comprehensive bilingual Dictionary (or Kamus in Hausa) containing thousands of British and American English words/phrases and Abbreviations.
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