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Definition of after in Hausa


preposition, conjunction & adverb /ˈɑːftər/
1. Bayan
2. Abun da yake baya
3. Sama mutum ko abu sunan wani
4. Bibiya

Example of after in a sentence

  1. Bayan
  2. Muslims and Christians believe in life after death. musulmai da kiristoci sun yi imani cewa ana cigaba da rayuwa bayan mutuwa

    Armed forces and doctors are always on duty, day after day, week after week. sojoji da likitoci a koda yaushe suna kan aiki, a kowace rana kuma a kowane mako.

    She underwent surgery after surgery for ten years. an ta yi mata fiɗan asibiti har tsawon shekara goma.

    She disowned her parents after everything they've done to her. ta gudu ta bar iyayenta duk da irin ɗawainiyar da su ka yi mata.

    He stop talking to her after what she did to him. ya daina yi mata magana bayan abun da ta yi ma shi.

    I'll launch another website after this. Zan ƙirƙiro da wani website bayan wannan.

    Children go to school after 6PM. Yara suna zuwa makaranta bayan ƙarfe shida na safe.

    It's five after eight. ƙarfe biyar da minti takwas.

  3. Abun da yake baya
  4. The door after her is broken. ƙofar dake bayanta ta karye.

    She insulted him and ran away but he ran after her. ta zage shi ta gudu amma ya taso ta a baya da gudu.

  5. Bibiya
  6. Police are after the criminal. 'Yan-sanda suna bibiyan mujrimin.

    What are you doing? 'I'm after a shoe'. me kake yi ne? 'ina neman takalmi ne'

    Many people abandoned the bar because they believe suicide bombers are after them. mutane da dama sun ƙaurace wa gurin shan barasar saboda sun yi imanin cewa masu yin ƙunar baƙin wake suna dakon su.

    She's after Maryam's husband. tana son ta auri mijin Maryam.

  7. Sama mutum ko abu sunan wani
  8. He named his son after his father. Ya sawa ɗansa sunan mahaifinsa.

Probably Related words: afternoon, good afternoon, hereafter, rafter, after life, afterwards, thereafter, aftercare, aftermost, aftershave

Nearest words:
aftercare, aftermath, aftermost, afternoon, afterward, afterword, after life, aftershave, afterwards, afterthought,

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