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Definition of advantage in Hausa


noun /ədˈvɑːntɪdʒ/
1. Alfanu
2. Fifiko
3. take advantage of somebody: yi wa mutun wayo (yin amfani da raunin da mutum yake da shi domin samun wani alfanu)
4. take advantage of something: yin amfani da  wasu abubuwa domin samun wani alfanu

Example of advantage in a sentence

  1. Fifiko
  2. Educated may have great advantage over illiterates. mai ilimi zai iya samun gagarumin fifiko a kan jahilai.

    Yusuf didn't graduated from university despite the advantages of good grade and intelligence. Yusuf bai samu damar kammala karatun jami'a ba duk kuwa da yana da abubuwan da sauran mutane ba su da shi, wato takaddan kammala karatu mai kyau da kuma basira.

    It's a great advantage for girl to have attractive face. macen da take da kyan fuska fiye da sauran 'yan mata za ta fi su samun abun alheri a rayuwa

    Her slim body and attractive face give her a big advantage over other girls. siririn jiki da kuma kyan fuskarta ya sa ta fi sauran 'yan mata samun abun alheri a rayuwa.

  3. Alfanu ko amfani
  4. Is there any advantage in fighting a war? Shin akwai wani alfanu a gwabza yaƙi?.

    Browsing the internet have advantages. Shiga duniyar gizo yana da alfanu.

    Internet have advantage and disadvantages. duniyar gizo tana da amfani da kuma rashin amfani

    The advantage of surfing the internet is that you can get information on the comfort of your home. amfanin shiga duniyar gizo shi ne za ka iya samun bayanai a tsanake a cikin gidanka.

    It would be to your advantage to save money for old age. zai amfane ka idan ka tara kuɗi domin yin amfani da su lokacin da za ka tsufa.

  5. Yin amfani da  wasu abubuwa domin samun wani alfanu
  6. He took the advantage of his position as manager to offer job to his friends. ya yi amfani da matsayinsa na kasancewa shugaban masana'anta inda ya samar ma abokanansa aiki.

  7. Yin amfani da raunin da mutum yake da shi domin samun wani alfanu
  8. She takes advantage of his shyness and humiliate him. tana wulaƙanta shi saboda taga yana da kunya.

    The director want to sack his introvert manager, but he don't want him to think he take advantage of his introversion. shugaban masana'antar yana son sallamar manajanshi mai shiru-shiru, amma ba ya son ya ɗauka cewa ya sallame shi ne saboda shiru-shirunshi.

Probably Related words: advantageous, disadvantage, disadvantaged, disadvantageous, advantaged

Nearest words:
advantaged, advantageous,

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