Definition of access in Hausa
access |
noun & verb /ˈækses/ 1. Hanyar kaiwa ga abu 2. Kaiwa ga abu |
Example of access in a sentence The rat gained access to room through a minor hole. ɓeran ya samu shiga ɗakin ta hanyar wani ƙaramin huji.You need username and password to get access to facebook account. Kana buƙatar suna da lambobin sirri domin shiga cikin facebook. Journalists were denied access to the President. An hana 'Yan jaridan kaiwa ga shugaban ƙasar The only access to the insurgents is by force. ta hanyar yin amfani da ƙarfi ne kawai za a iya kaiwa ga masu gwagwarmaya da makamin. It is hardly to access the building if you're not tall enough. zai yi wahala ka iya shiga ginin idan ba ka da tsawo. You need password to access you facebook account. kana buƙatar lambobin sirri domin shiga cikin shafinka na facebook. Poor people may have difficulty accessing good medical services. matalautan mutane za su sha wahala gurin samun ingantaccen kiwon lafiya. Politicians may find it easier to access government financial aid. 'yan siyasa za su samu sauƙin samun tallafin kuɗaɗe daga gwamnati. |
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