Definition of abuse in Hausa
abuse |
noun & verb /əˈbjuːs/ 1. Keta haddi, cin zarafi 2. Yin amfani da abu ta hanyar da bata dace ba 3. Zagi 4. Yin amfani da abu ta hanya mai cutarwa |
Example of abuse in a sentence
The GM and HR have abused their positions of power. shugaban masana'anta da shugaban ma'aikata sun yi amfani da muƙamansu ta hanyoyin da ba su dace ba. The general manager was sacked for abusing power. an kori manajan masana'antar saboda yin amfani da ƙarfin ikonshi ta haramtacciyar hanya. He had abused Sulaiman's daughter. ya ci zarafin 'Yar Sulaiman The girl had been sexually abused . An ci zarafin yarinyar ta hanyar keta mata haddi My father had been threatened and abused. An yi wa mahaifina barazana kuma an ci zarafinsa . Drug abuse causes brain damage. yin amfani da ƙwayoyi ta hanyar da bai dace ba yana janyo lalacewar ƙwaƙwalwa. Calling someone fool is a form of abuse. kiran mutum da wawa zagi ne. |
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