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Definition of trade in Hausa


noun & verb /treɪd/
1. Kasuwancin siya da siyar da kaya
2. Yi kasuwanci

Example of trade in a sentence

Nigeria trade in agriculture has reduced significantly after oil discovered. kasuwancin kayayyakin gona da Nigeria take yi ya ragu sosai bayan gano mai.

European trade with Iran suspended after US sanctions on Iran. nahiyar turai ta dakatar da kasuwanci da Ƙasar Iran bayan Amurka ta sanyawa Iran ɗin takunkumi.

US impose sanction on every country trade with Iran. Amurka tana sanyawa duk wata ƙasa da tayi kasuwanci da ƙasar Iran takunkumi.

Nigeria has been trading in oil for over fifty years. sama da shekaru hamsin kenan Nigeria tana yin kasuwancin mai.

US is Nigerian trading partner. Ƙasar Amurka abokiyar kasuwancin Nigeria ce.

Synonyms (kalmomi masu alaƙa)
business, enterprise

Probably Related words: trade mark, trader, trade school, trades man, trade secret, trade-off

Nearest words:
trader, trade-off, trade mark, trades man, trade school, trade secret,

English Hausa Dictionary/Kamus

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A-B-Ɓ-C-D-Ɗ-E-F-G-H-I-J-K-Ƙ-L-M-N-O-R-S-T-U-W-Y-'Y-Z is an online/offline English to Hausa And Hausa to English comprehensive bilingual Dictionary (or Kamus in Hausa) containing thousands of British and American English words/phrases and Abbreviations.

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